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Playing with Ping K15 Driver

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Playing with Ping K15 Driver Empty Playing with Ping K15 Driver

Messaggio  Boehma18 Mer Giu 29, 2011 9:36 am

Playing with Ping K15 Driver

The instructor, like the doctor, can only prescribe so far. Just as the doctor must have the co-operation and the will to get well of his patient, so the golf instructor loving store of golf clubs for sale requires perseverance and determined effort on the part of his pupil. The teacher of golf advising Ping K15 Driver can do best for his pupil by helping him to acquire a sound and lasting method, making sure that he understands what he is trying to do and why and warning him against allowing other considerations, temptations and fears to encroach upon the overall objective of reproducing the shaped swing with K15 Driver and the timed delivery which, unaided, will do all that can possibly be done in dispatching the ball from point A to point B. That is why I set out to equip a pupil with a shaped swing and a good delivery, a technique which will give him full confidence as soon as he steps up to the ball if only he will realize it. The top players loving TaylorMade Burner 2.0 Irons put their trust in their swing, particularly the great ones. It is true that when that swing with Burner 2.0 Irons is not working at its best they have to buckle down to "scrambling" their figures, but no one knows better than they themselves that they cannot "scramble" indefinitely. Maybe they will get by for one round or part of a round in a 7 2-hole tournament but they must get it working smoothly again without delay if they are to stay in the race.


Numero di messaggi : 13
Data d'iscrizione : 12.05.11

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